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How To Create a Healthier Diet for Your Dog in the New Year

As the old year draws to a close, many of us are looking back on our habits over the past twelve months and considering what we would like to change in the new year. “New Year’s resolutions” are a tale as old…

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How To Help Your Dog Enjoy the Holidays

The holiday season is here in all its glory!    This time of year often brings with it lots of socializing – you might have friends over for a game night, your sister visiting, and all your relatives coming for dinner. And…

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What Is the Best Vegan Dog Food?

There are seemingly endless choices when it comes to picking what food you want to give your dog. There’s dry kibble, semi-moist, canned, fresh, and raw food. Should you be cooking your own homemade dog food? What ingredients should you include, and…

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Can Dogs Eat Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods?

As the shelves and freezers in grocery stores are stocked with more and more alternatives to meat, you may have been asking yourself whether you should get just enough for yourself or throw an extra package for your dog into the basket.…

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The image shows PawCo's GreenBites and LuxBites packaging against a background with various vegetable illustrations.

GreenMeat™: A Plant-Based Meat Alternative for Dogs

As the vegan population of the world continues to increase, so does the number of vegan dogs! Around the world, an estimated 79 million people have chosen a lifestyle free from animal products, and that number is expected to continue rising.  …

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Learn How to Communicate with Your Dog!

Dogs have come a long way from their ancestors, the wolves. They are no longer wild predators, and their utilitarian and functional use is decreasing. Dogs have become companion animals that we consider an essential part of our family. According to Business…

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Did You Know Dogs Have Different Palates and Enjoy Different Flavors?

Have you ever given your dog a treat that was left uneaten? Have you tried to switch your pup’s food just for them to sniff it, look at you weirdly, and walk away? You may have been left stumped; your coworker said…

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Dogs Love Pawco and How It Tastes!

With so much research now available showing that; 1 – dogs are omnivores 2 – dogs can live a healthy life on a vegan diet, and  3 – feeding your dog a vegan diet can do wonders for animal welfare and the…

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